Saturday 27 October 2012

‘Weddings- is it all lies, bad hairdos and fancy dress?’

Lets just say that I am not a wedding person. I'm fifteen years old so I'm guaranteed  to know nothing of the subject, but I do know that when your asked to be a bridesmaid for the first time in your life you scream and jump up and down with glee. Until it comes to the day that puts you off everything and anything about the word 'wedding'. I arrived at my uncle's house on Thursday evening expecting a buzzing cheerful house with an extremely happy bride. Instead I found about twenty different people in the house screaming their heads off at each other, and a crying bride. I later found out that she was crying because she accidentally put all of the usher's shirts in the washing machine along with a black shirt and all the white usher's shirts went grey. This is not the scene you expect to see two days before the wedding.
Is it all lies? Probably. On T.V programs like 'don't tell the bride' and 'bridezilla', the lies are constantly flowing...' is my back side hairy?. should I get it waxed?' (reply) 'no, no not at all'
'Isn't this dress gorgeous on me' (reply) 'yes darling my tears are happy ones'
'Is this hairstyle too Amy Winehouse' (reply) ' sweetie don't be stupid you suit any hairslyle'
Of course those replies are only what we had to say. The real replies that were going through our heads were:
 'Yes your backside is thick with hair'
' that dress is a meringue. Please don't do this.'
 ' your hair looks like a bee hive'
So on Friday we're all shipped to the salon were I'm stripped of my eyebrows and basically all of my facial hair.It hurt. The next part is worst, there are a number of different eye shadows that I have to try on at the make up trial and the colours consisted of(no lie): pink, blue, green, brown, yellowy get the idea. No black eyeliner or mascara in sight. I have very pale skin, freckles and big eyes so any eyeshadow would make me look...strange, lets say. So I turn around look in the mirror and nearly lose it, but of course the bride is happy so I am happy.Of course.
The next day is wedding day and early in the morning we are driven to the Salon, but this time when we get their we have a surprise: our hair is going to be slicked back into a bun at the back. So there we were 5 bridesmaids looking depressed in the hairdressers on the verge of tears,Getting shouted at by our mothers to be more happy.  
Overall the wedding wasn't to bad, we all had amazing fun at the reception The band was REALLY good and we were aloud to take our hair out...when everyone left. As for fancy dress, the bridesmaid dresses were hand maid and I can't deny they were gorgeous. The bride looked beautiful so I guess a wedding is worth the stress....or is it?